
Department laboratories

Siemens Industrial Process Control Laboratory

AB 204

AB 204 - Laboratórium priemyselných riadiacich systémov SIEMENS

The laboratory is focused on the development and simulation of algorithms for controlling industrial processes. The basis of the technological equipment of the laboratory consists of PCs, PLCs and safety PLCs from Siemens, expansion modules for connecting sensors and actuators, modules for connecting remote inputs and outputs, visualization panels, frequency converters, servo drives and software for programming and configuring the above-mentioned devices. The connection of individual components and workplaces is implemented by industrial networks. Work with this technology is supported by real models of industrial processes.

Head of the laboratory: doc. Ing. Juraj Ždánsky, PhD.

B&R Industrial Control Systems Laboratory

AB 206

AB 204 - Laboratórium priemyselných riadiacich systémov SIEMENS

The laboratory is focused on the areas of system identification, design of control algorithms and their implementation for the purpose of controlling industrial and transport processes. The laboratory is equipped with B&R programmable logic controllers (PLCs), safety PLCs, communication and input/output modules, converters, drives, an intersection model and models of several industrial systems, such as: a mechanical model of motor control, a lever with tactile feedback, a ball-on-disk system, an elevator, temperature, speed and pressure control systems, a CNC multifunction machine and its digital twin and a delta robot. The laboratory is also equipped with specialized computers with software: Automation Studio, Safe Designer, Scene Viewer, MATLAB and Simulink.

Head of the laboratory: doc. Ing. Jozef Hrbček, PhD.

Information Technology Laboratory

AB 315

AB 205 - Laboratórium riadenia železničných dopravných procesov

The laboratory is focused on the issues of information systems (databases, web technologies, virtualization), computer networks (modeling, simulation, monitoring) and their security (penetration testing, intrusion detection and prevention, firewalls, cryptanalysis, antimalware). The technical means of the laboratory's hardware equipment include a system for detecting and preventing attacks on the network and application layers Juniper IDP 75, a device for monitoring network traffic Fluke Networks Time Machine Express NTM-EX2, a network switch Cisco SRW2024 and workstations for teachers and students. The laboratory's software equipment includes: the environment for modeling, simulating and emulating computer networks OPNET Modeler + Wireless Suite, OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition, the network traffic monitoring tool PRTG Paessler Network Monitor, the Cain&Abel set of security, cracking and monitoring tools, the GPU hash cracking tool ighashgpu, the Oracle VM VirtualBox virtualization tool, the Wireshark protocol analyzer, the BackTrack Linux 5 Linux operating system distribution for penetration testing, the Nessus penetration testing tools, nmap, the WAMP - Windows Apache MySQL PHP web application development, testing and operation environment, the CrypTool cryptographic techniques and algorithms demonstration tool, and more.

Head of the laboratory: Ing. Alžbeta Kanáliková, PhD.

Process Control and Signal Processing Laboratory

AB 317

AB 317 - Laboratórium teórie automatického riadenia a spracovania signálov

The laboratory is intended for verifying theoretical foundations in the field of automatic control theory (continuous and discrete systems), information and signal theory, and digital signal and image processing in process control using its own user programs and the MATLAB software product and its specialized tools (Simulink, Control Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox). The laboratory has real educational models from Humusoft CE 151 with accessories (Extended Real Time Toolbox and Real Time Windows Target). The laboratory contains a laboratory model of an industrial line as a result of the KEGA project and is equipped with a B&R PLC, communication and input-output modules, converters, and drives. The model contains automatic identification systems based on various object identification technologies (vision systems from SICK and B&R), object identification systems based on scanning RFID, QR, and EAN codes, color scanning, inductive, and IR scanning from SICK. The line model is equipped with PLC technology based on B&R elements, which, in addition to visualizing the model, ensures its control and tasks related to sorting objects based on selected criteria. The laboratory also serves for individual work of students in solving year projects and diploma theses.

Head of the laboratory: Ing. Emília Bubeníková, PhD.

Laboratory for experimental research

AB 318

AB 315 - Laboratórium pre experimentálny výskum

The laboratory serves for experimental work of doctoral candidates and students in their final years of bachelor's and engineering studies. The main focus of the laboratory is in the area of ​​development, modification and implementation of the experimental communication subsystem IDS (Intelligent Transport Systems). Development is directed towards the areas of display devices as dynamic traffic signs, information panels and the like, mainly in the direction of IDS infrastructure - driver. Development in the laboratory is also focused on applications of communication systems of various standards, primarily intended for communication between vehicles, between vehicles and infrastructure and between elements of IDS infrastructure, and on the area of ​​research of road tunnel systems.

Modeling and Simulation Laboratory

AB 319

AB 321 - Laboratórium mikropočítačov a robotiky

The laboratory is mainly used for teaching professional subjects that require the support of software tools. It is intended primarily for modeling the functional properties of control systems (UML; Rhapsody software tool), reliability and safety properties (CARE software tool), control procedures and control structures (in the Matlab environment). If necessary, it can also be used for working with other types of applications - for example, designing and working with database systems, expert systems, etc. The laboratory also has equipment used to protect objects (alarm systems, electrical fire alarms, camera monitoring systems). The laboratory is also used for individual work by students in solving year projects and diploma theses.

Head of the laboratory: Ing. Pavol Kuchár, PhD.

Networks and Secure Communications Laboratory

AB 320

AB 315 - Laboratórium informačných technológií

The laboratory focuses on the area of ​​local area networks, including wireless ones, industrial communication networks and wireless communication technologies. Technical equipment for the area of ​​computer networks, in addition to basic computer equipment, includes a structured cabling distribution board, 3Com, Linksys and Cisco switches and routers, an IEEE 802.11 wireless network analyzer and a tester for testing structured cabling distributions. Equipment for industrial communication networks is represented by protocol analyzers for PROFIBUS and CAN. The area of ​​radio frequency identification (RFID) is covered by ELATEC demonstration kits for transponders ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO 18092, MIFARE Classic, MIFARE Desfire, Unique, EPC Global.

Head of the laboratory: doc. Dr. Ing. Peter Vestenický

Microcomputer and Robotics Laboratory

AB 321

AB 321 - Laboratórium mikropočítačov a robotiky

The laboratory is intended for research and development in the field of robotics and microcomputers. It is equipped with computers and programming interfaces for programming ATMEL family microcomputers and industrial robots from ABB. It is an exact copy of the real software that controls the robot in production and allows very realistic simulations using real robot programs and configuration files. Research into a mobile sensor platform for robot navigation is underway in the laboratory. The laboratory also has a CNC milling machine with a B&R control system, which is used for the implementation of bachelor's and diploma theses. Other equipment includes E-puck robots with the Webots environment, enabling testing of robotic swarm algorithms. The equipment also includes an ABB IRB 14000 collaborative robot, DC, AC electric motors and Mitsubishi frequency converters for teaching the subject Actuators and their control.

Head of the laboratory: doc. Ing. Vojtech Šimák, PhD.

Autonomous Mobile Systems Laboratory

AB 205

AB 206 - Laboratórium priemyselných riadiacich systémov B&R

The laboratory is focused on research, development and education in service robotics and autonomous transport solutions. It is equipped with large size FDM 3D printer, tools and materials for creating and programming prototypes of the ground and aerial robots, and 10 PC
workstations. In the laboratory, there is a mobile robotic research platform for aggressive environments, 10 pcs of small, wheeled robots e-puck with accessories, 4-rotor drone Holybro X500, long-range video transmission system SIYI, and a prototype of a VTOL drone based on PixHawk technology. In the area of sensors, the laboratory is equipped with multiple types of LiDAR scanners from Sick and Slamtec, RGBD sensors Orbbec, GPS+INS system SPAN-CPT, and dual channel GNSS RTK receiver ArduSimple RTK3B with centimeter-level accuracy. There is a small model railway within the laboratory, controlled partially by electronic interlocking
control system ESA 44 by AŽD Praha, the second part of the railway is controlled by PLC Simatic S7-300 and S7-1200 with the operator interface ILTIS by Siemens Mobility.

Head of the laboratory: doc. Ing. Dušan Nemec, PhD.